21 August 2006

Script for an education revolution?

Often “free education” doesn’t accompany “free tools”. Who’d know this better than numerous poor students in my country! Often it is a case of one textbook for 3 or more students. This text book is often re-circulated among the next batch of students! Despite sustained, honest efforts from govt. and NGOs, the results are not so visible due to the vast population.

At last there seems to be a solution in sight! Freeload Press, a small startup in Minnesota, is trying to shake up the status quo in the $6 billion college textbook industry by introducing ads in textbooks – similar to what you see in magazines / academic journals (see the news article here). Initially, the publisher is offering more than 100 business titles completely free, provided the student answers a 5 minute survey.

This development might prove to be the “tipping point” for a textbook revolution, esp in developing countries. Often the funds get lost due to middlemen and other greedy parties (read politicians). With ads, there’re possibilities that the textbooks come completely free! The ads may be controlled, dependent on the age of the students. The poor students would be able to enjoy fresh / new / updated textbooks every year.

Some other implications could be:
1) Basic health and hygiene sections sponsored by related companies / firms, who could then follow up with practical activities with the students
2) Social education sponsored by companies committed towards social responsibility.
3) Anti-smoking / Anti drug-abuse messages / education could be sponsored by Cigarette / medical companies

In short, ads in textbook might empower the sponsors to do what govt. and NGOs have been trying to achieve till now. However, the moot question is: will the education departments allow this to happen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, it is a good idea especially for developing countries. But one drawback what i sense is why would a corporate house be interested in sponsoring textbook for the rural school kids? I am sure in a country like India the corporate houses will be happy to sponsor a cricket star which will reach all the children across the sub continent for sure!!;) Anyway I think the education system in India especially rural india needs a shake up. WHy would a child spend endless hours reading grammar when we can device a system where practical and survival english is imparted. Instead of heavy and big textbooks if we could adopt practical fun-filled experience teaching I am sure it will be more impactful and make the learning process fun and not shun children away from school. But please keep your ideas we can use them when time comes for India to awake really rather than be led by british and american systems. We need to find our own voice at this time of globalisation if greater India needs to survive.
